Established in 2012

Restaurant custom wallpaper

Here are a few of my highlights from 2015 showcasing some of the outstanding, fun, diverse wallpaper we had the pleasure of installing around Brisbane and the Gold Coast.

Don’t even ask how long it mist have taken to hang this custom wallpaper around numerous beams. It was hung in a fast food chain at Pacific Fair Gold Coast for Schnitz. They have this custom made wallpaper installed to all their outlets. Lee managed to install this wallpaper seamlessly whilst contorting around the existing beams!

3D Wallpaper that looks like curtains

Nambour RSL

When Lee first showed me this photo i asked where the wallpaper was! A 3D design wallpaper made to look like curtains, very clever. Wallpaper is Marburg by Gloockler and we installed it at Nambour RSL club.

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