Established in 2012

wallpaper that looks like white painted brick wall

Grab a great stock sale deal now

The following wallpapers are in stock and can be posted the next business day.

Please check each offer as it specifies how many rolls are available at this price.

There may be more rolls available to order but they will be from a different batch /dye lot which means there may a difference in colour or pattern.

Wallpaper on Sale

Wallpaper sales don’t happen a lot. This is due to most wallpaper designs needing to be ordered from the supplier at the time of sale. There are so many thousands of wallpapers and different colorways of each pattern that holding lots of stock is impractical. Unless it is a particularly popular item. Listed here are items we have in stock. Keep checking back as they may change.

Know that all the wallpaper brands we stock we back knowing they are quality wallpapers. If they are on sale it is stocked styles we know are popular. Sometimes it is the end of that batch of dyelot. In this case we don’t recommend ordering different batches unless they are not on the same wall. This way you are not risking seeing the slight differences in colour or pattern that may happen from dyelot to dyelot. If it is on a different wall in the same room you may feel comfortable ordering from different batches.

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